Jeffery K. Warren
E-mail: [email protected]
or via Web
eFAX: (413) 622-4481


Brilliant, efficient Computer Software Engineer with excellent PC and server experience, proven software development skills in all object-oriented languages, thorough system administration skills with all operating systems and environments, and outstanding network development and implementation. Have a solid background in systems design, integration, support and maintenance. Have experience in many industries including manufacturing, e-commerce, retail, government, military, health, legal, and human resources.

Quick List of Experience Hot Topics:

The following list outlines the items with which I have a great deal of experience.

Operating Systems: MS-DOS (and others), Microsoft Windows 3.x, Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me, Microsoft Windows NT 3.x Workstation/Server/Advanced Server, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation/Server/Advanced Server/Enterprise Server/Small Business Server, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional/Server Microsoft Windows XP Home/Professional, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, UNIX (AIX, SCO, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and various LINUX), Novell 3.x, Novell 4.x, Mac System 7.x/OS9/OSX

Programming Languages/Environments: Ada, Assembly (x86, IBM390), C/C++ (MSVC, Borland and Symantec IDEs, plus GNU, EMACs compilers), COBOL, FORTRAN, Java (SDKs 1.1-1.4 using Sun Forte/NetBeans, Microsoft J++, IBM VisualAge, Borland JBuilder, and Symantec Visual Cafe IDEs), Jovial, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft FoxPro, Microsoft Visual InterDev, Pascal, PERL, SmallTalk

Programming Techniques/Technologies: Windows API & SDKs (Win16 and Win32), Windows DDK, MFC, Borland OWL, ActiveX, ATL, OLE, DDE, COM, CORBA, DirectX/Direct3D

Internet Technologies/Servers: ASP, CGI, DNS, FTP, HTML, HTTP, IRC, IMAP, ISAPI, Java/JavaScript, PERL/PERLScript, POP3, SMTP, SSH, TELNET, VBScript

Networking Technologies: LAN, WAN, Bridge, Route, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, SNMP, PPTP, VPN, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Switched Ethernet, Token Ring, DHCP/BOOTP, DNS, WINS

Communications/Remote Access: RAS, PPP/MPPP, Analog Modem, ISDN BRI/PRI, DSL, T1, Frame Relay

Microsoft software: Exchange Server, Proxy Server, Systems Management Server, SQL Server, Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, FrontPage) Standard/Pro/Small Business, Project, Windows Messaging/Exchange/Outlook, Internet Explorer, Visual J++, Visual Studio (Visual C/C++, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Visual InterDev, Visual Source Safe), Visio

Other software: Great Plains Dynamics, WordPerfect, CorelDraw, Netscape Navigator & Communicator, Mozilla, Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, StarOffice/OpenOffice

Summary of Functional Experience:

Target Corporation
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: June 2016
To: Present

I perform tasks as a Senior Engineering Manager.

In September 2018 we restructured the Transportation teams and I now lead the Transportation Middle Mile, including the new and run-state support engineering teams.

In October 2017 I accepted additional responsibilities by absorbing the Transportation "Core" team that provides the engineering and maintenance of run-state transportation software.

In July 2017 I moved from the Digital team to the Supply Chain team to lead the Transportation First & Middle Mile engineering groups. These groups are responsible for writing modern replacements for existing software, and new software to facilitate changes in infrastructure and business and software practices.

In January 2017 I moved from the Digital product services team to the Guest Generated Content team, where I was responsible for leading the team responsible for the ratings and reviews provided by Target guests.

In June 2016 I accepted the role of Senior Engineering Manager to lead the engineering group on the Digital product services "Redsky" project, where we continued to build and maintain the services behind the native applications.

Target Corporation is accessible on the web at

Target Corporation
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: July 2015
To: June 2016

Object Partners, Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: February 2008
To: July 2015

iVenture Games
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: July 2006
To: February 2008

ITR Group
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: January 2006
To: July 2006

Talent Software Services, Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: November 2004
To: December 2005

Logic InfoSystems
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: February 2004
To: November 2004

Motion International
Bloomington, Minnesota

From: February 2002
To: February 2004

The Code Source
Chanhassen, Minnesota

From: May 1999
To: January 2002

Talent Software Services, Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: July 2000
To: October 2001

Twisted Pair Networking, Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

From: March 1995
To: Present

Shuffle Master, Inc.
Eden Prairie, Minnesota

From: November 1995
To: February 1999

Starkey Laboratories, Inc.
Eden Prairie, Minnesota

From: September 1992
To: November 1995

934th Communications Squadron
Minneapolis/St. Paul International Air Force Base, Minnesota

From: April 1990
To: August 1990

Last time I checked, the 934th Communications Squadron became the 934th Communications Flight.

1002nd Space Systems Squadron
Consolidated Space Operations Center,
Falcon Air Force Base, Colorado

From: November 1988
To: April 1990

Last time I noticed, Falcon AFB had been renamed to Schriever AFB. The 1002nd Space Systems Squadron is now the 2nd Space Operations Squadron.

Summary of Related Education:

North Hennepin Community College, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado
The United States Air Force Air University and the Air Academy
Microsoft University and Microsoft Training courses
Various industry-related seminars, courses, and classes

Current Certifications:

Microsoft Certified Professional
Honorable Discharge from USAF and USAFRes

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