Mid-day Eighteen - Morning Meltdowns
In a calm-before-the-storm of yesterday, today by comparison has had moments of really hard. Still really good, but when they're hard, they seem really hard.
We've had a pretty good morning. I woke late and tired, the fam giving me a little extra sleep time, which was nice. They were all plugged in, and there weren't any morning meetings, so I had a relatively leisurely roll into the day. Made some oatmeal, and settled in for checking on work stuffs. All of that went well, too. Every once in a while there'd be one kid calling too loud for the other, as they wanted to share whatever they were doing or seeing, but those don't last; they do seem to add up, though.
Just about lunchtime, we had calamity. At the same time, mom, dad, and bigger little all had calls to be on. The little little might not have noticed, except that dad took his spot in the office to have screens and finish a little document work, which caused mom to move to the other room so she could work uninterrupted, and the big little took her tablet around to chat with her friend. All of this motion caused the little little to feel left out, and even when invited to participate in my meeting (which was all audio and not exciting at all), he started a small tantrum, interrupting everyone's calls.
Everything settled down, and all seems well. I think the postponement of lunch as well as one of us not having anyone to chat with, was really the impetus.
It's cold and intermittently precipitating outside, so we're stuck inside, even more than just social distancing. I'm about to make some lunch. Some of us will have a nap. Today seems OK, just noisy this morning.
Everyone is healthy. Second full day in a row of no one leaving to go anywhere.