Day Thirty-Four - Bikes and Road-Trip
The day warmed more than anticipated, so we ended up spending a lot of time outside.
The parents got a little sleep in time; to about 8AM! Hours later than most weekdays. A little scattered breakfast and then chants started for bike rides.
After waiting for the sun to get up a little higher, and the coffee to kick in, we wandered around some blocks in the neighborhood. It was cold enough to cut short, but warm enough that every street crossed on the way toward the house was met with some kind of negotiation to ride longer, or down and up that hill, or up and down that hill. I was fine wandering around, so there was a little meandering, and they were doing all of the riding while I waited near the corners.
We decided on some take-out lunch, and picked a place not right in the neighborhood. We drove for a little bit, with windows up and windows down and windows up and windows half down and windows up...and then the windows stayed up. We didn’t go that far; just a couple more suburbs over, to a fast-food chicken place. The little little announced he was going to sleep in the car, and promptly did so. We made the trip home a little longer by stopping to pick up some drive-up orders at Target and Home Depot. Grandma made and sent us some masks to wear, so we did whenever the windows were down where we interacted with anyone.
After lunch, there was a little television while little decided he was done napping. Then more stuff outside. The kids took the good dog up and down the street a bit. Then they rode their bikes “around the street,” doing laps on the sidewalks in front of our house.
Dinner, and now baths. We’ve made promises for little milkshakes if we’re good, so we’ll probably have to do that before bedtime.
Everyone’s healthy.