Day Thirty-Nine - Sleepy Saturday
I think it was a swell day. Started out nice. But then I took a little nap, and woke up missing the whole afternoon.
I slept in a little. Little little has invaded our bed every night for more than a week. He tends to share my pillow, mostly because mom blocks her side of the bed with another pillow so he won't push her off the bed. He likes to snuggle close, so anytime I move, he moves, too. Ultimately, he ends up pushing me until I'm about to fall off of my half of the king-sized bed, and I have to wake up enough to scoot him over a foot or two so I can turn over.
I also have growing springtime allergies, so my seeming persistent breathing difficulties due to dogs is exacerbated for a bit when we start to leave the windows open a crack, as we have been. I woke up snot-jammed and wheezing. After a few forceful moments, I could gurgle some air back through my nose. By the time I was done with my Cheerios, it was sunny and warm out.
The little little was energetic, so I suggested we go outside and enjoy some sunshine. We played transforming space ships fighting flexible bad guys. We built the space ships out of square building blocks meant for a marble tracking game, connecting them into different lumpy forms. The bad guys were some characters and cars who would sometimes be nice, and sometimes not so nice.
Then there was lunch. I was still feeling allergy symptoms, so I went for a little lie down while the wife and others went for some bike riding. They came back, and the little guy came to nap with me. He quickly kicked me out of bed, banishing me to sit in my chair in the corner. It reclines, so I kicked back and dozed there. After he got up and ran downstairs, I laid back on the bed again, for just a minute. At 6 I woke up to some loud kid and dog noise in the yard. The whole day gone.
Still didn't feel great, so I ran for some headache relief, as we'd run out of ours last week. Dinner, kiddo bedtime, and now this.
Everyone's healthy, allergies aside.