Days Sixty-Seven through Sixty-Nine - Memorial Day Weekend
I kind of took the weekend off. Unplugged, mostly, from computer things anyway.
We didn't go anywhere except for a little drive and drive-through food. It rained a lot, and we were stuck inside for much of the time.
We started the weekend with a quick run for take-out donuts. The kids wake every day right around 6AM. We puttered around the house for a little bit, and then took a drive. Taking a drive is now their favorite thing to do. We went a little out of our way, but made it to a near-by donut shop. I ran in and grabbed a dozen, and we meandered home.
On Saturday, the wife and kids took to transplanting our spring crops into some of the deck planters. We'd started some seeds in March, as a keep-kids-busy project. They've all blossomed, and so the lettuces and some tomatoes were transplanted into our deck planters. We've also got some beans and peppers that we'll transplant into the planting beds after a little planting bed prep.
I took care of some inside chores, and took a nap. Nice, cool, quiet day with the kids outside between rain sprinkles.
On Sunday I took care of the lawn mowing and some laundry, while the wife dug into the garage, deconstructing the pile of shipping boxes into the recycling bin. There still isn't room to park a Jeep in there.
On Monday, we had a bit of a marathon of television, and some cabin fever outbreaks. Normally I'd be wishing for one more laid-back day, but I think I'm ready for work tomorrow.
There was a little bike riding each day, as well as our new sport event: foot races down the sidewalk.
Nothing exciting, in either good or bad ways. Nice, relaxing nothing.
Everyone's healthy.