Day 166 - Motorcycle Ride
I’m still not doing great with keeping on top of this. I’ve just gone back and added some of the bigger events.
Everyone’s healthy and the more interesting events of a week of camping and the stolen Jeep have been entered in the blogs.
I did take some time to go motorcycle riding for a far-away burger, too.
It’s been a while since I’ve been out for anything more than a quick drive-through or related shopping trip. We did go camping a couple weeks ago, and we had some adventures with the Jeep, but I mean other than that.
My pal and I met at his house. He was gone gassing up when I got there, but arrived before I had too long to chat with his wife over the fence.
We took off for the gas station so I could also gas up, and then head out to the southeast for a ride on some twisty roads not too far from the river. It was a beautiful day, with wonderful wispy clouds, plenty of sun, and very comfortable temperatures. Traffic has been generally light, thanks to the virus, and today was no different.
We wound down to a burger joint on the river. Bunch of bikes in the block on either side of the place, in this little three-street community. Everyone was respectful of the neighborhood, and socially distancing from each other, outside of their little groups. We ordered our burgers, and then claimed a spot on the street, admiring the other bikes.
The burgers took a while to come out, but we had no reason to rush. We found an empty picnic table near our bikes and ate our burgers and told our stories. A good break and time was had by all.
We clambered back on our bikes and rode back on the other side of the river. There isn’t such a windy road back, but we took he windiest we knew. We stopped for gas just before the freeway would break to send us in our separate directions.
Reached home in time for diner. A great day.
Everyone’s healthy.