Half-way There
Well, two out of four flights, anyway. The two shorter flights.
Because Continental doesn't fly between MSP and LAX directly, we had to swing through Houston this morning (better than Newark, even if just from a time perspective). We're in LAX with not enough time to leave the airport, but too much time to lurk at one of the diners. Plus they gave us a pretty big lunch on the last flight, and we get dinner on the next one, so sitting in a diner seems like a waste (unless they had the ballgame on, which it didn't look like they did).
Our lay-over in Honolulu is kind of the same. Too late in the day to really do or see anything, but too long of a lay-over to spend just sitting in the airport. A 5:30AM flight the next morning relives us of any meandering in the morning, too. I think the current plan is to quick-style exit the airport to a convenient nearby hotel an grab some shut-eye and a shower between flights. It's such a close-call since we're leaving the country there, so we have to do all the security stuff all over again, so we'll have to get there around 3:30 or 4AM. Not a lot of shut-eye.
Haven't yet checked-in with the house-sitters, so I'm relying on the concept that no news is good news. I think everyone was on the same page that today was the start of it all.
Oh, and Twins are looking good for three wins in a row! Perhaps the comeback begins?
1 comment
Comment from: minneapolis apartments Visitor

Yuck, flight changeovers can be such a headache!
And.. go Twins! Are we the only two still hanging onto hope?