Day Forty-Five - No School
It was hard to tell, but the kiddo didn’t have school today. The teachers had a planning day, and again on Monday. It was a great day, though.
The day started out a little cold, with spotty rain where we are. It sounded like thunder rumbled for some, but we just got clouds and cold. By lunch, it’d cleared and warmed into a summer day.
The wife took the kids for some bike riding after she got back from a quick grocery run to fetch some things they couldn’t deliver. Work was spotted with meetings, and much more relaxed than earlier.
We grilled and ate dinner on the deck, the kids ran around the yard, and then went for some more laps on their bikes while I watched from the porch. Easy day.
We did see the news where they hyped it as the impact of coronavirus May last for the next two years until there’s herd immunity. I don’t think it means the same level of social distancing, but probably an arranged escalation of cases, as long as we don’t overwhelm the health system. I’m waiting for some debate and clarity on that.
Everyone is healthy.