Morning Fifty-Eight - Not Saturday
When I got up in the 6AM hour, it was so bright that I thought it was later than that. Since it was later than that, I thought it might be Saturday.
I slowly got ready for the day. I skipped touching up the shave, as I usually skip on the weekends. I even dressed with playful socks, as I do on the weekends and less on the weekdays.
I even purposefully left my watch on my night table. I’ve taken to using my watch as a “workday” signal to myself, often even taking it off after “work hours” to remind myself that while I’m geographically in the same place, I should not be mentally.
I offered the kids food, they declined. I picked up some unwanted in-house dog poo, as the little dog is still a little ill. I made a coffee, and turned on the television for a quick morning show while mom continued to sleep in, because...Saturday.
Then my phone erupted with “meeting in 15 minutes” alerts. I practically puppy-dog head-tilted and then saw the unmistakable “Thu” on the phone’s clock.
I got another cup of coffee and plugged in to my leadership meeting just in time.
Saturday. Sheesh