Day 840 - Independence Day
And I didn't even watch the movie!
We stayed pretty low key. Breakfast in, lunch out. Patches of rain in the morning and afternoon, and steamy heat, pretty much kept us indoors. The kids were fine with that until they weren't, and then it was bedtime. A pretty basic day.
The wife spent some time moving things around in the garage. Some of that was for camp prep, some of that was to clean up a winter's worth of clutter. Her hope was to clean enough to get a Jeep in there. There's still more to clean.
I poked around indoors at some computer things. I had a huge headache in the late morning, so I laid down for a little nap.
My phone directed me to the Independence Day we celebrated 11 years ago in the Marshall Islands. I shared stories and pictures with the bigger little, as she was also there, but just months old and didn't remember any of it.
After dinnertime, the little little watched the end of this snarky time-travel movie I was watching alone, Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel. It's a quirky time-travel, dark comedy, almost love story, about three blokes who end up spinning through a couple hours (their time) jumping around time in around this pub, triggered every time they go to the loo. There was a bit of confusion as the characters kept trying to avoid creating paradoxes by interacting with their other timeline selves. Maybe I'll write about that separately.
He went to bed, and then mom and bigger little took off to see some fireworks. The city (really a suburb) does a thing at a park a little more than a mile from here. Other suburbs nearby also do things. So there was a lot of boom-boom going on just after it got dark, and some were pretty exciting. Little little came down with concern because it was a lot and sometimes loud. We tried to see some from the porch, but it's too far and too many trees. But we could hear it was not getting closer.
He tucked back in and with a few words of comfort started snoring pretty quickly.
Mom and big little returned not too long after the finale. At least after one of them. A quick chat with the kiddo confirmed it was probably loud, because she was a bit louder than before. She may have been showing off, or exhausted and lost her sense of community, but she calmed pretty quickly and turned in with not too many door closings.
Shortly after, probably when they got home from the city's display, some neighbors started their own. A woomph would be followed very quickly by a muted thud, and then followed invariably with some firecracker-like pop-pop-pop. They must have bought a bunch of those, because it went on for another half hour, every few seconds apart. I was only mildly concerned these would wake (or keep awake) the kids. A little less concerned that one of these thuds would hit a house, maybe even mine. There were rousing calls coming from the seeming handful of people involved, so they weren't far.
We'll probably have a few more days of the occasional excitement. We have had for the last few days, as crackers and rockets go off nearby.
Everyone's healthy.