Day 981 - Kids Boosted
The kids got their COVID boosters and flu shots today.
The big was a little hangry as we set out. Dinner was planned for after, but mood was set, and temper was a little short. Wavered a lot from playful to grumpy.
The little was fine until it clicked with him that it was in his near future to get shots. Of course, this realization happened while we were driving, and he was sitting way back in the third-row seat, so there were no opportunities for anything but vocal comfort. The big little would waver from annoyed to really annoyed, and didn't help try to calm.
Once we got checked-in and had a moment to collect ourselves, everyone found patience and good spirits. We mocked getting shots for the little; lift your sleeve, wipe the area, poke, Band-aid, done! He was ready.
The big went first. She was more anxious than she let on, squeezing and twisting my hand while the nurse got the bits in order. One shot in each shoulder. All went well, but she exaggerated the pain after, decrying "the pain, the pain!" It was an attempt at sarcasm, to show there wasn't pain, but it came off wrong, instead mocking the fear, and put the little in a little more agitated state.
When it came to his turn, he settled in just right. Sat in the chair alone, but held my hand. Took a few moments to shake off fear and relax, and then watched as the nurse did the needful. The first shot went without a hitch. He flinched a little at the second shot, so there was a little "double jab," although the needle (right in front of my face) didn't come out of his arm, it did in-and-out from his muscle.
Band-aids applied, and "it hurt, but I'm OK" comments from both kids, and we sat to wait out any reactions. A few minutes later, on our way back home. Hangry set in again as we dashed through some take-out, but abated once everyone got some grub in them.
Everyone's healthy.