Day 1067 - Still Under the Weather
The boy went back to school, but the girl stayed home, and I tried hard, but still couldn't work.
The boy woke up with the slightest fever, which was dropping between checks without any fever reducer. He got a late start, but mom took him to school so he wouldn't loose his mind for another day.
The girl woke up with a throat tickle and bad attitude, so she ended up staying home. She got bored mid-morning, and was missing out because she kept getting texted from friends at school (who don't use their phones like that all day...but she still wants one, too), keying her into what she's missing, mostly socially, but also in class.
The wife seems fine and did her normal day.
I struggled to stay awake long enough to occasionally electronically correspond. I popped into one early morning meeting, voice only, and was told that I sounded like I should still be in bed. I snoozed in the easy chair with my phone and tablet at hand, checked occasionally for something actionable, thankful that all the meetings I had were optional (other team demos).
I did make it out of the house long enough to fetch the boy from school, but dreaded it the whole time.
I'm still sick, but everyone else seems OK, and still no positive COVID tests, so it's probably just an old-fashioned cold.