Day 1066 - Crummy Day
Almost everyone woke up feeling crummy. Some of us woke up with fevers, even.
The boy child had a heart-stopping 105F° temp on the first check, which dropped to a less jarring 101° on a check just a little later. Still, too high to go to school, so he got some fever reducer and a tablet and was told to try to be quiet.
The girl child didn't have much of a fever, but was irritable and complained of congestion and sore throat. The wife felt kind of the same, but wasn't as irritable.
I woke up around 6AM also feeling crummy, with a low-grade fever, too. I dropped a note to the office and tucked back in with fever boy, who kept trying to kick off my covers that I needed to fight my chills.
Home COVID tests all came out negative, so this is some kind of plain old cold or something else.
Everyone's sick, but we don't think it's COVID!