Day 782 - First Little League Game 2022
After last week's disappointing cancellation, today turned out to be a great day for the start of baseball.
It is a great, mostly sunny day. The temperatures are in the cool range, and the sun isn't terribly hot when it peeks from behind the occasional cloud. We'll probably be sunburned because of it, but what summer doesn't start with a little sunburn?
We got to the park a little early, thinking there might be some last minute drills to run. There have only been three practices (four, if you count the first indoor practice we missed), and the last game was cancelled for weather. Our practice buddy team had the field when we arrived, so our little spent that overlap time talking to the batters waiting for their turn from the dugout, while we waited for our teammates to arrive. They did, and all in time.
The players were all dressed in their new uniforms, every one of them looking a little too big. But in a fun "they'll grow into it way," and not a "can't anyone plan well?" way. And in both a "getting better with the season" and "they're all growing so fast" way, too. Ours, and our practice buddy team, are a bright red, which is a great contrast to the green field. Easy to tell where the players are.
Our opponent only had four players show up, while we had 7, so we let them bat twice each inning. In our little league, we "bat" through all of the players, a few tries with the machine, finally hitting off a tee. There aren't outs, the plays are for understanding the basics, not for actually getting outs. The last player gets a "homer," and clears the bases.
It was a great time, and the little was super excited to have played. All of the kids, even the ones that needed direction at every turn, seemed to be enjoying themselves. And the fans all had reactions to the unstoppable cuteness on the field, too.
After was a sharing of snacks, and a bit of running around the park with other players who had finished their games, too.
Everyone's healthy.