Got a Gardyn Studio
Trying to get into indoor gardening a little bit. It's too cold to outdoor garden most of the year, but it'd be nice to get in some practice and maybe gain some produce.
I peeked at a few things, and kind of settled on after seeing some things on social media. It's a vertical hydroponic system with a built-in LED and camera that pairs with an app to help you keep your plants thriving. They're darned expensive, though.
I'd given my e-mail address to them, in an atypical engagement, and they sent me an offer for 75% off of a brand new "open box" version. I vacillated briefly on whether to get the two-stalk Studio or the three-stalk Home version, and settled on the Studio as I'm more-or-less tinkering.
The box arrived a couple days later, and sat in the living room for a while. I put it together, and it's a little bigger than the spot I thought I'd tuck it. Plus the light is set in a way that it might be intrusive or annoying, which will also inform where it might go. And the wife thinks that having it where the dogs might engage for any reason, or just accidentally slap it around with inattentive tails, is something we should avoid.
We settled on putting it in the office, where it can spend most of its time in front of the closet door, which is rarely used and out of the way enough to allow the plants to be undisturbed.
Now I need to get the office cleared out of all of the stuff from the garage, and I can add water and the plants to the unit to get it started.