2004 Election Ends With Concession -- BLECH
OK, so it's not really officially over yet, but the news services are all saying that the Presidential Election is over, and that Kerry called Bush to concede.
CNN, MSNBC, and I'm sure all the rest have the big story.
I realize that statistically it may be impossible to have any other outcome, but the news services don't even agree on the count, so how can anyone believe the information is accurate enough to know it's true?
If the information isn't from the actual electoral votes, then they're irrelevant. Perhaps interesting to speculate, and controversial to see the changes, even exciting to watch the diversity in the state turnouts.
The crap the news services gives isn't information enough on which to base the decision of conceding. First you have skew because not everyone is exit-polled, second you have skew because not everyone who's polled answers, third you have skew because not everyone who answers does so honestly.
With the "other" reporting, as otherwise accurate as they may be, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands or millions of outstanding, uncounted votes from all over the place--absentee, late reporting precincts, precincts that hit mandatory recounts.
Until the appointed person in each state declares the winner, and until the electoral college members actually cast their votes, there is no winner. There is no winner.
I'm not saying turn every state into potential controversy. Certainly, if the otherwise declarative outcome is one way, let it be. Don't turn it into the Florida debacle of 2000. But certainly wait until the votes are actually counted! And not even the votes of the people; only 38 states have laws mandating how the electoral vote must go (with the popular vote of the state).
I know it looks like I'm a pissy Kerry supporter robbed from the victory, but I'm not. Yes, I'm an ordinary guy with an ordinary understanding of politics in general. No, I have no particular experience in politics, voting, or any of the rest. Yes, I do have an advanced understanding of mathematics, probability, statistics, and analysis.
Instead, I'm just a pissy citizen who's unhappy with the demise of the democratic process we have in place to choose the leaders of our fine republic. The Repulblic to whose flag I still pledge allegiance when I hang it on my porch.
I know I would wait to be declared the loser rather than turn into a quitter. There is no honor in the graceful exit. Demand the end of the game, man! Show your tough enough to stick it out until the end.
I'm glad it happens on election day--if the guy can't stomach waiting for the actual vote, he probably can't take the rest of the gig.
1 comment
Comment from: diana Visitor

Hrm. I think there is honor in being a graceful loser, though. The “concession” call was just a formality. He can still win the electoral college. Slim, slim chance, but still possible. If he does, he was a gentleman. If he doesn’t, he was still a gentleman. All in all, I think he’s made us proud.
(Nice blog, babe.)