Hiroshima 60 Years Ago
Today is the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima.
I hadn't considered it before I watched a documentary on cable. Of course, as a child, in school, I was acutely aware of the significant war events. As a child, in school, we were studying while the conflict in Viet Nam was occurring. I seem to remember a lot more war-related information as a kid than I see now; even when I look for it.
When I was a kid, the movies were war films, the TV shows were war shows, and the news was war coverage.
We've got a war raging now. A fight we arguably picked. Sure, we've got all kinds of good reasons and justifications--I'm not disputing the war on any grounds. There's not a lot of war coverage, though. Not since the invasion. A mention here and there of insurgency success, or when a US death occurs. Nothing like I think I remember as a kid.
Sixty years ago a couple of bombs helped put an end to a devastating war. One not unlike I think we might be heading into if awareness isn't raised and something decisive isn't done soon. It's time to re-pick our allies.