Server Hiccups
It would seem my new content management system kills the database server...
The Mambo system I installed yesterday is really the only change, but now the MySQL database keeps crashing. Of course, the largest database on the system is mine, and it's the only one that had any updates yesterday, and, of course, the addition of Mambo made up the bulk of the changes.
I'm going to try an upgrade to MySQL. This is dangerous because I'm away from the server, behind a prohibitive firewall, working the upgrade via web-to-script trickery.
This is the first upgrade I'll have done on a working, production system. I'm going to try to do a hot-swap, running the new system at the same time, first on a different port, later swapping them, and finally turning off the old.
Additionally, I've not done an upgrade to MySQL that spans versions (from 3 to 4, this'd be), and there's much that has changed. Security is the bit that troubles me the most; if I get this mangled, no one, including me, can get to the server's tables. I have backups of the data, of course, and there's very little risk of the server itself being damaged, and I'll always have the current system to fall back on.
I need another computer to run as a database server...I was wondering what to do with my weekend if it rains.