Posted by jkwarren on Oct 31 2005 in Blather
Might Not Be The Cold Keeping Me From Riding
One of the downsides to living in the North half of the country is that sunset comes early in the day.
Despite being 40-some degrees this morning, I braved the motorcycle ride to work. I'm glad I did, 'case work itself isn't reward enough to go there every day. Riding gives me something to look forward to.
However, as I pushed 5:30 before I left today, I realized I hadn't factored in earlier sunsets. It's pretty dark by 5:30, 'though the sun hasn't actually gone down yet. Technically sunset is at 5:01, but there's still sun on the horizon.
So as I draw near home, it's dark. Just plain old night time. No thermal boost from the waning sun. Brrr.