Comment from: Jonny Awesome Visitor

You sir, clearly have a functioning brain and use it. Let me count the ways MB frustrates and infuriates. To squander the opportunity to do so much good is her greatest evil.
Comment from: Jonny Awesome Visitor

Boo to Brad… MB is saving us from big evil government mandated light bulbs! If it wasn’t for people like her, next thing you know, they’d try to stop me from smoking in a bar…
Comment from: jkwarren Member

I agree with you, and get that you jest.
The onus of the law is on the manufacturers of light bulbs, not consumers. Even after it’s enforced we average consumers will still be able to go to our favorite shops and buy bulbs in all of the sizes and colors and wattages we can now. They’d just be more efficient.
I suspect the real reason for the attempt to revoke the ban is that the manufacturers don’t want to have to try to make the bulbs more efficient. They’ve got the money to spend to try to reverse a law, but not to invest in efficiency research? No pity from me.
Comment from: jkwarren Member

I was tempted to delete the above comment, but since you link to an eco-friendly lights retailer, it may be less automated than originally thought…
The Government should stay out of my light bulb decisions! Health care was one thing, but now light bulbs! I reserve the right to pick whatever light bulbs I want, DAMMIT!