It's Been a While
Today I was doing a little bit of server maintenance, and thought to tap out this very quick "still here" post.
This summer was crazy. I see the last public post was in February, and it's already the middle of November!
Much of the summer was just plugging along, doing the same summer things we've been doing. Kids played sports, went to the park, visited friends. Not quite as much as pre-pandemic, but more than any time since the pandemic. We've been continuing to work from home, going to the kids' events, watching sports and movies, and generally doing the usual. Overall, we're doing pretty well.
We dealt with an unexpected and incredibly fast decline with the wife's dad. Since the last post, he agreed to move closer to us to make it easier to help support him, then got sick, and then passed away Labor Day weekend. Maybe I'll share more later. His move and then the extra support took all the non-kid and non-baseball time we had this summer. Still, we did pretty well.
We even decided (in the middle of the rest of it, but before it seemed like a thing to factor in) to host another school intern from the Amity Institute. We scrambled to make space for another person, moving my office from a spare bedroom into a corner of the living room, and turning the spare bedroom back into a bedroom. He's been a great addition to our fall events; everything is new to him, as they don't have weather like we do where he comes from. Even the winter day length and Daylight Savings Time is new to him. Barely sunrise when going to the bus, sunset before getting home. He was thrilled at our first snowfall, and teases me that I'm teasing him about the impending snow to come, and low temperatures it brings. Of course, the kids restarted school, and that's going well.
Still here. Still doing well. "Well" is probably the best summary word I have today.