Movie: Deadgirl (2008)
Last night I stayed up working on some software, and thought to plug this film into Netflix. The film was recommended by a co-worker, and came with the stern warning that it's a disturbing exploration of the human psyche.
It is a little disturbing.
It isn't your typical zombie flick. In part, this is because there's only one zombie, and for most of the movie, she's chained to a gurney.
It did grip me, and I found I had to stop writing the software and pay attention to the film. Software written at 1AM is not as good as watching zombie movies at 1AM anyway.
A couple of troubled youth skip school, and as part of their day decide to make some noise and cause some destruction to some abandoned property. The property, in cliché horror movie form, is an old insane asylum. They toss about some chairs and break some windows, and venture into the basement. They're chased by a dog and scurry through an opening near the top of a wall. Looking around, they find the body of a young woman. Then the film turns a little disturbing.
It's a bit of an exploration of what a few people would do if they found a dead body. And then the found out the girl wasn't dead. And what some might do when realizing the whole zombie aspect of things.
The film itself is a little rough, with a lot of that handheld camera feel. There are some rough cuts and a few awkward transitions, but other than feeling a little amateur, it's shot well. A lot of the action takes place in the dark basement of the abandoned building, which at times were almost too dark to see. There was a lot of suspenseful moments that just ended; moments when you expected something to jump out of the dark (like whoever left the girl), but then the scene just ended. Not only due to the timing in the film, but also because of the soundtrack or dialog.
It is a pretty good film. Again, not your typical zombie film; the people are worse than the zombie...