Posted by jkwarren on Jun 15 2005 in Blather
What day is it?
I don't even know what time it is any more.
Since returning from vacation, I've had to play catch-up. The guys I left behind were apparently completely left behind and didn't do anything to progress the project I'm working on. I've forced myself to take a couple half-days, but I've been in the office, or in both offices, or in three offices in one day, every day since my return.
"What?" you may ask.
Yes, it's true. Not only am I playing catch-up with the first project, but my participation in that project was scheduled to end last week, so I'm not only extending that, but also going to my new gig that I did start this week. Not to mention a couple of trips to the office of the first client (I've been working off-site).
I'm pooped.