Holy Smokes Did I Break This
I guess it shows how little I'm blogging lately.
My last post (about switching to Apache packages) was on the first of October. Evidently around the 15th I attempted an upgrade of the blog software. Apparently I didn't finish (kids, probably) or return until today to find that the blog software was complaining about the database schema. It's been broken for so long, that's what Google reports for searches on my pages!

A little poking around it it turns out that the automatic upgrade I'd attempted from the blog's administration pages failed because of some permissions on the web server's content folder. As a result, new files were able to be created, and some files were able to be replaced, but a critical file or few weren't able to replace existing files.
I guess my "let's try out the built-in tool" didn't go well. I'll stick with the unpack on the command-line moving forward.
Apologies to anyone who might end up here, or who finds this in feeds or search results.