Most Domains Transferred
Today I've transferred all but one remaining domain from my old registrar to my new one. No real reason to keep that last one, but it isn't due for a couple months, so no hurry either.
When Cloudflare started offering DNS registration, they promised to do it with no mark-up. They charge only the fees required to satisfy the upstream registry. In some cases, this was half of what my previous registrar charged.
I also use Cloudflare for my CDN. Turns out there's not very much cacheable on my sites, or at least not with the configuration I can use for free, but there are images and some JavaScript or CSS that it does well on. It generally uses extensions (so Windows) to identify the content (instead of the content-type header in the HTTP response). They also offer free SSL certificates from a browser-trusted authority.
THe SSL certs is really what pushed me there. My previous cert provider did a fantastic job of vetting people who requested certificates, and then offered you as many certificates as you needed for one annual fee. Then they were bought by a Chinese company who then started using that trust to allow ne'er-do-wells to put certificates on phishing sites, and other untrusted things. The browsers stopped trusting the CA, so I had to change. Thankfully, Cloudflare was there!
It's really an everything in one place solution. Cloudflare offers DNS, kind of necessary for the CDN to work; it could be done with loads of configurations on my end, but they do the hard parts, so my parts are easy. Their APIs work with LetsEncrypt for my server certificates, and accept those as valid certs from my servers, so I can use that to make end-to-end SSL-encrypte HTTP access, and not have to do too much certificate monkey business.
Additionally, they offer workers, which I haven't really leveraged yet. These should allow some of that serverless computing I've been trying to get into my office. I've toyed with it on my systems at home, too, but there's a bit more infrastructure than I want to learn that much about. I did sign-up for my first worker domain, but then had other things going on and couldn't get started. Now that I'm staying at home, if we can work out some routines, maybe I'll have some bandwidth to try again.
But once they offered DNS registration, hoo boy, did I go nuts with the transfers. Now one remains. Well, technically, the whole bunch I started today are in progress, but after today (it doesn't usually take long), one remains at the old place.