Comment from: Ken Visitor

Comment from: bitpt Visitor

I have same problem, but… if any app is open, synergy work well.
I try all, gnome, gnome shell (works because of left panel, my server is right pc) unity.
With ubuntu 2d, because of left panel work fine, but….
Seems i need re-install 11.04 i can’t work, i can’t detect problem source
Comment from: Roger Visitor

I have the same problem. Have quicksynergy, Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric), Unity, and the mouse rarely moved to the other screen (right side) since the upgrade past week. Usually it hits the border as if there was no synergy running (irritating).
Now, after reading this post I noticed I can always go to the other screen if I move the mouse over the top bar in unity. Until the bug is fixed, this workaround saved my desktop. Thanks!

Same here. Glad to know I’m not crazy… not for this reason, at least.
Comment from: Robert Visitor

I also had that same problem when I moved to the new version of Linux Mint (base on Ubuntu’s 11.10) The behavior I found was that I could pass the border only through windows that were touching the edge of the screen. I guess its okay since I maximize a lot of my windows. Weird issue.
Comment from: WayneDV Visitor

Tried both Pinguy and Mint - both using Gnome Shell and have had the same problem. Thanks to Robert for pointing out the pattern that I had not spotted.
Transitioning off the monitor edge while a window covers it still works.
Obviously the desktop object is monitoring mouse position to determine when the user wants to invoke the overlay and as a result is not allowing the event to bubble through to Synergy
Comment from: jkwarren Member

As a few have pointed out here, my experience is the same in that any window touching the edge will allow the mouse pointer to pass from the Ubuntu Synergy server to the clients. This seems that it might not be a problem with Synergy, exactly, but a problem with the desktop, perhaps part of Unity? Perhaps there’s an interaction for Unity’s edge detection that is obstructing Synergy’s functionality.
Comment from: Justin Visitor

I am having similar problems with 12.04. Seems as if QuickSynergy will crash when I start typing my password. This only happens when my password starts with a special character. In my case it is the @ symbol. If I change my password to something else I do not have the same issue. I have encountered a few other issues where QuickSynergy will crash while working in Ubuntu, but not able to narrow down what it was that crashed it. I can however type special characters once logged in without issue.
I noticed this same problem and am also at a loss for who to report it to. I’m not using Unity, but Gnome instead. Thanks for the post.