The wife got us some tickets to see funnyman Jim Gaffigan spin some yarns.
We got there a little early, happy to be able to get out of the house without kids occasionally. We meandered the hall outside the auditorium for a bit, grabbing some snacks, and then sat in our seats to commiserate about the government a bit.
Ted Alexandro warmed up with some funny stories for about a half-hour, and then they announced Jim.
Instead of Jim coming out, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz came out to the stage with a microphone. He took some applause and then started in with a dad joke. Everyone laughed and applauded again. Jim came out and the Gov said he was honored to have been so beautifully portrayed by Jim on SNL.
Jim strolled through his usual kind of humor for a bit more than an hour, and wandered off stage. There were some great bits in there, but I never do comedians justice trying to recreate their humor. It was an entirely new set, without any bits we'd heard before, although there were the frequent inner voices and a mention of being the "Hot Pocket guy." He finished his set and walked off to Shania Twain's Man! I Feel Like a Woman! The house lights went full-on and everyone jumped to their feet, so Jim didn't come back for any last minute bits. It was the early show, but he probably had things to do.
We've seen Jim a couple of times at the theater, and of course on all the specials. He's a hoot.