Waiting For Warm Weather
February was brutally cold, and March hasn't been a lot warmer, with lots of days below freezing.
It snowed a big six-inch dumper earlier this week, and it's starting to melt into patches where it got piled up. It's been above freezing since then, but the best chance for the snow to melt will be a this week, when temperatures are supposed to be in the 50°F range. Monday it could get close to 60°F!
I hope to spend a little time rearranging things in the garage, and maybe moving a few more things out of the house. All the things for the garage have been completed, so now it's ours to freely use as we wish.
There's a new loft so we can move a bunch of stuff from the ground up there. I'm a little concerned we'll overcrowd it and dump stuff off the edges, as it's only about 6 feet wide, but maybe we'll tack up something to keep things from spilling over.
While I'm thinking of building things, I might work on screwing my planting beds together if it's nice and clear enough outside. I've got some simple box designs, and hopefully can assemble them a little elevated on the deck, and still be able to move them the tens of feet to where I want them to end up. I do need to dig the dirt out of the way, so I might have to wait for the weather to warm more so the ground can thaw.
With the bursts of cold and snow, I've lagged on getting things cleared in the basement, but hopefully will get back to that, too.
I hate the cold and snow, so it's easy to let it get the better of me. I'm really looking forward to getting out of the house and rebuilding the yard.