MySQL 5.0.19 Running
In line with the other desired upgrades, the MySQL upgrade is complete.
A little trickery was required to have both databases running at the same time; essentially changing some port and socket file names in the my.cnf file. This allowed importing the database data without stopping the database service.
I did a quick backup, and then started importing the data from the database dumps into the new. I didn't stop the old database engine when I finished the upgrade, figuring that traffic is low at the end of the day, and I can always re-fire the old one and check for differences if someone notices something is missing... I only imported the usernames and passwords for the user database, planning to after the switch reconfigure the permissions.
Only one database gave me pause. Foolishly, I apparently created one with a hyphen in the database name. I corrected that with the new creation, using an underscore instead. Thankfully that was the database running this very blog, so it was a quick config file change in the blog directory, and that seemed OK, too.
I then stopped the old one (forgot to stop the new one), changed the configuration file settings back to the defaults, and fired up the new one. Started right off, but then I realized I'd forgotten to stop the new one. I stopped 'em all, and started it up again. All seemed to be working.
A few minutes in webmin to correct the user permissions, and the databases I could quickly test were verified to be still working. I then corrected the backup script (to change the hyphen to an underscore and add a new MySQL table) and re-ran that with no apparent troubles.
This post is the final test, and then I'm off for the weekend!