Aliens Visit At Night
It happened about a week ago, but I'm sure I was waking from the aliens' experiments before they wanted.
OK, so I know in reality it was probably some mental fog as I drifted from some state of asleep to a groggy state of awake. The entire event probably took a small number of milliseconds, but it seemed like more. Further, neither the wife or dogs were awake or active, or otherwise disturbed, and once I gained consciousness and mobility enough enough to look around, nothing was out of place. Not that it would be, of course. The night before was plainly ordinary. Ordinary enough that I don't recall anything about it. I'm sure this is just memory lapse since that night, and not some experimentally induced amnesia. It was proably another night watching television; some normal selection of comedy or drama or ball game. We proably turned in at our usual times, she a little before me as I catch the news or last bits of the sports review. I don't recall what caused me to stir in the middle of the night. Afterward I recalled thinking there weren't any disturbing noises outside, or inside for that matter. I don't recall needing a middle-of-the-night visit to the bathroom. I probably just needed to roll over or adjust the sheets or PJs or something similarly mundane. In the moments after waking, I did get up, check on the dogs, take a peek out the back window and a listen down the stairs. I did notice with a critical eye that nothing was out of place, and the dogs were in their beds. In the moments before I was awake enough to wonder why I was awake, I was certain that something curious was going on. I was sure I was breathing a little more quickly and shallow than I should normally breathe at rest. It seemed my heart was beating with more fervor than sleep would demand. I felt a hint of a sheen of sweat, almost clammy, even though the room was plenty cool and I lay atop the sheets and blankets. I seemed to be in an odd state, but still very relaxed. I recall recalling in those moments just before becoming aware of waking that I didn't feel alone. Not just the wife and dogs in the room, too, but someone else, or something else. I recall recalling feeling as though just the briefest of moments ago that I'd been restrained, not by a twisted t-shirt or numb limbs, but by a hold. A hand gently, almost reassuringly holding my head from turning, and others holding my chest. I remember feeling constrained and restricted from moving my arms and lefgs, but not my fingers or toes. I also wasn't allowed to open my eyes. There was the slightest hint of light on the ceiling. There always is as the neighbor';s light is never off, and it lends a sliver of simultaneously gentle and annoying ribbon across the ceiling. I could tell this light was there, in position and shape. But although my eyes weren't open, I could tell this light was being obstructed by something, like a hand across my face. All of these realizations lasted long enough for them to be considered and retried. I knew I couldn't move my head, so I tried to roll my torso and couldn't. I knew my left arm, the one atop my torso as I lay on my right side, coundn't move, first at the shoulder then at the elbow, but I could tense my hand. The fingers wouldn't flex, but I was aware enough to feel some of the knuckles tighten. I couldn't take a deep breath. I ttried more than once, thinking maybe I just needed to fire up the motors a little. I had long enough to notice I was breating normally, but couldn't muster a big inhale, nor stop the exhale I was breathing as I thought to try. I couldn't hear anything either, except my own breath as it rattled softly through my nose. All of this in the time taken for a few neurons to fire as I tried to wake up. I don't recall what was in my dreams, if anything, before wanting to be awake. I just recall wanting too be awake, realizing it wasn't happening as fast as I wanted, feeling not alone and gently restrained. And then I was awake and fully alert. The house was silent. The neighborhood sleeping. The sky clear and the trees still as there turned no breeze. I was sure the aliens had just left me, returned from another night of study, even though there was no evidence of a visit. But there wouldn't be, would there?
Comment from: diana Visitor

Comment from: jkwarren Member

I thought maybe the same thing. The link you said describes mostly what I was feeling at the time. Except for the paranoia that someone was or had been there, there wasn’t really any fear. And at that, I was more annoyed than paranoid; annoyed that something goofy had awakened me.
In retrospect all that probably happened is that the part that wanted to be conscious was booted faster than the part that wanted to move anything, and so I was “aware” a very brief moment before I was “enabled,” and in those neuron firings went to that men-in-black place.
I’m pretty confident there weren’t really any aliens…or am I?
You know what they say: a good conspiracy theory cannot be detected. :)
Sounds like sleep paralysis:
Scary stuff. I’ve had that happen a couple of times, myself.
Or maybe it WAS aliens….