Comment from: diana Visitor

Comment from: jkwarren Member

Yes, it was.
I’m trying to come up with an elegant way to associate the unknown but potentially (hopefully?) large number of fantasy rosters/scorecards with the real-world batting events. The code doesn’t quite match the diagram I have, so I’m scratching my head wondering whether the code is more accurate than the diagram as I can’t actually recall whether I was adding to the model (so the diagram is correct) or removing (so the code is correct)…and I can’t decide now which was better, or why I’d have it either way…
In the meantime, though, I took a step back and attacked my CI problem (other post). Fixed that. Now my confidence is boosted, and I should be able to wrangle the solution to this one out of my ailing memory.
Was this the fantasy baseball project, or something else?