Random Music
I often pop on headphones and listen to the myriad music on my Mac. I do this in part to appear unavailable for chit-chat, drown out the surrounding chatter, and to have some mental trigger that time is passing. Quite often, though, I find that the music just turns into white noise, and I don't really pay attention to it. At the press of a button, I can skip an annoying bit of music, or repeat a pleasant one, but most often it just randomly drifts past.
What I don't realize as this is happening, is the variety of music I have. At one point I ripped all of the CDs in the house; mine, the wife's, the kids'. I've also added a ton of stuff from http://amazon.com/mp3 and other legit sources. There's probably some non-legit stuff on there, too, but not enough for anyone in the RIAA to worry about, I'm sure.
It surprises me sometimes what I listen to, as has just happened, causing me to write this little chuckle of a blog post. I was interrupted and pulled my headphones off. I'd tapped the "stop" button on the side of the headphones as I did so, to stop the annoying ting-ting of tiny music from the little speakers sitting on my desk. After the impromptu meeting ended, I put the 'phones back on and tapped the "start" button (same button...it toggles play). I was greeted mid-song by Paula Abdul singing something. Probably not something I would have picked, but there it was. I let it go.
Right now I have Kiki Dee asking "are you ready?" repeatedly...just saying...it's diverse.
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I hear ya, just went from hard core German industrial music to Heart of Wax featuring Vanessa Daou on the Blank and Jones Relax album. Enjoyed both…and looked unavailable for chit chat all the while.